bridge of nightmares...
This is the bridge of my nightmares - over the Goulburn River at Seymour. As a kid going to Melbourne by car it was fraught with danger - the old Morris Oxford breaking down in heaps of mud at Avenel, trees falling over the car in a storm, the obligatory stop at the Kalkallo Pub, and not to mention the impatience brewed over a cold three plus hour drive. As a result I dreamt about it - and this was the bridge pivotal to nightmares. The bridge was always falling behind me as the car tried desperately to get to the other side. Eventually after many fitful sleeps I willed the car to the other side and bingo the dream ceased. Looking at the bridge today is it any wonder I had nightmares.
The HISTORY - the bridge was built in the late 1800's and ceased as a Hume Highway Bridge in 1967. If it wasn't for steel girders I am sure it would be on the bottom of the river!