Friday, February 29, 2008

sunset from the winton hills...

Went out to my uncle's place and as we came over the crest of the hill on the driveway, we were met by this gorgeous view.

in the stillness of the evening...

Taken on a summer's evening from near the Benalla Art Gallery...

bee - ing busy

Caught this bee having a lovely time in one of Nan's roses...

Saturday, February 23, 2008

I'm back...

After an absence of a couple of months I'm back. I must admit I do have fun with Flickr these days. should let you view some of my pictures...

This is a recent favourite image that I took at Lake Eildon. The lake is down due to the drought and water usage down steam so many old buildings and relics are coming to the surface. This is the strainer post belonging to the Peachey family house that went under water some 50plus years ago. When the lake is full this post would be under about 30 metres of water!