Monday, September 18, 2006

Feeding time...

Lots of fun and slobber, especially if you need to encourage a reluctant baby to feed...

Monday, September 11, 2006

New arrivals...

These are the latest addition to Marvid Park. Cute and inquisitive... Watch this spot for meal time. It is something else!


What does one do on a beautiful spring Monday morning when retired? Go get wood of course....

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Gobi Desert sand...

Sometimes the trains were airconditioned, but the trip between China and Mongolia was not! This was when we went through the Gobi Desert. Unfortunately much of this was during the night and as we had left our cabin window open to get fresh air, we awoke to find ourselves covered in sand! The train of course suffered the same fate...
At our first stop in Mongolia the conductors got out and washed the carriage windows. We were intrigued to see one such lady still in her PJ's attending to this task!! OOPS her boss would not be happy that she had slept in...


The train trip was fun but often hard work - the longest segment being 53 hours! Company, including the carriage staff, was great. The toilets were often small, smelly squat types that were locked for half an hour leading into a city/town and remained so until the same distance out! At the Mongolian/Russian border they were locked for eight hours...
The staff were very diligent with their responsibilities - vaccuuming, cleaning, stoking the water heater among their many jobs. Perhaps their most important task was making sure we got back on board at our brief and infrequent stops along the way!