Monday, July 31, 2006

What's for tea?

Train travel across China, Mongolia and Russia means being ingenious with getting your own meals. Choices include going to the cafeteria, BYO and buying along the way. We tried the first once or twice and ended up eating a greasy mess. BYO was our main choice - 'Cup-of-Soup', cheese and biscuits, warm beer and juice, and fruit the main meals! We were warned not to buy from the locals as the quality could not be guaranteed but we all watched with interest. This lady was gamer than we were. Note how high the steps are to the train!

We've joined the girls with Blogging, if you can't beat them, join them!!

At the moment we are in London with Anna and have decided that the time has come to set up a blog. There is a lot to say about our last 4 weeks, but here is a little sample of what we have been up to.

Graham dancing in St Petersburg

This is Graham waltzing to Lara's Theme (from Dr Zhivago) with about 20 people watching in a restaurant. She was beautiful.

Margaret straddling two continents

Marg with one leg in Asia, and one leg in Europe, just outside Ekaterinburg where the Romonov's were assasinated in 1918.

One for Ellen.

Not Engrish, but Rushrish!!!! A menu in Moscow, these are all beers!!! As far from fresh juice as you can get! The writing at the bottom says "Snacks to go with bear"